

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Proof Positive

Of a liberal's lack of intelligence.

H/T, Joe



  1. Idjits... And they KEEP demonstrating it!

    1. And we pay for their idjit status. Thanks, my friend.

  2. Only natural citizen land owners should vote. I won't even quibble about gender and certainly not race (before someone accuses me of it) just make it each family of land owners gets one vote.

    Without skin in the game and real assets to protect we get what is in that video.

    1. I so agree and have bitched about this subject for years on end. Amen, Brother.

  3. “Everyone has a right to be stupid; some people just abuse the privilege.”

    1. People may have a right to be stupid but that should prevent them from voting. I guarantee if everyone had to answer a simple question like who the VP was we would have a totally different election outcome.

    2. I agree and that quote wasn't meant as a disagreement to the point of Stephen's post. The second part of the quote went to show the extreme extent of stupidity demonstrated on this video.

    3. I agree, guys...and would further the point if my name wasn't being yelled...gotta run.

  4. (Me) Buries face in hands and cries..."Oh Lord please give us guidance to find a leader who will turn America around, before its too late" Never mind,
    Can we moved to Canada yet???

  5. Rob, there is always hope. We'll see.'d need to ask kymber.

  6. Stephen,
    That was pretty horrifying. But, it was one small sampling on a beach. When someone can duplicate this is a variety of settings with a variety of demographics, then I might add "positive' to the conversation.

    However, I do understand the urge to disparage the "other." It makes a person feel better.

    What was your response to the elected official who said that a woman's body prevents an unwanted pregnancy? There were other remarks about rape and pregnancy that were way off the mark, but I do not remember the names of the Republican men who really showed their lack of something.

    Yes, I did ridicule those men.

    Go ahead, I can take

    Practical Parsimony, also known as Linda

    1. Ah, if that was a sample of one small group of people....sad.

    2. I live in Progressive/Republican/anti-Obama territory and there are the same sorts here, promise. As an educator, I am appalled everyday by the same things but from those who voted differently than I.

      This county is the second-whitest county in AL, so there is no way to blame it on an ethnic problem. And, all the white, toothless, Republican, food stamps recipients blame it all on Obama. You would be proud of these people who lack intelligence.

      So, I have a sampling, too.

      Practical Parsimony

  7. Physicians for Life researchers agree with Mr. Akin. In fact it was their research that he was following.

    But we wouldn't want anything to interfere with guilt free abortions now would we?

    1. +1 to Pioneer Preppy

      Mark Twain said, "Never let he truth get in the way of a good story."

      I guess the same applies to one's favored agendas.

    2. Also wanna know what is worse than an ignorant person off the Street who doesn't know who Karl Marx was?

      Someone who can't even get the quote right they proclaim to be offended over.

      What Mr. Akin said was " If it's a LEGITIMATE rape the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down".

      Which even if you believe you know enough about human biology to disagree with the statement. Statistics have shown the numbers add up that way.

      Judging from the fact that over the hill feminist like to call all sex rape I am betting they have much more of an issue with that LEGITIMATE word than anything else.

    3. I never said I was quoting anything. Thank you for the quote. That still makes him sort of ignorant of biology.

    4. So now you know more about human biology than the Physicians for Life organization?

      What's even funnier is just today I was reading an opinion of a Female doctor who proclaimed that pregnancy for women in combat wasn't much of an issue because the stress of the situation would shut them down.

      As usual they always want it both ways.

  8. Where is the video of the white, toothless, Republican, food stamp recipients then? Let's see it, your an educator, you have a degree, At least I think you do, who knows nowadays, so please cite IAW APA version 6, your video so you can't take credit for someone else's work. Well?

    1. I did not say I had a video. Did I? Yes, I have a two BAs and one MA.

      Practical Parsimony, still.

    2. Well where is the P.H.D at? Am I supposed to be impressed that you have become a career college student that never excelled. I suppose a dissertation is not available on Amazon for purchase since Corrine Brown (D-FL) couldn't find one either.I have initials after my title, D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F! Google it. You say you have toothless, Republican, welfare recipients in Alabama, show the world your find, back up your statement.

  9. I'd like to thank each of you for your nice comments. Now, before anyone gets their feelings hurt let's all smile and shake hands and thank our Good Lord for our right of free speech and open discourse. Have a good nights sleep and let's tackle tomorrows problems with fresh minds. Again, thank you all and good night.

    1. No problem shipmate. Have a good night and will see you soon.

    2. Stephen,
      They can taunt me and bait me all they like. I won't be bullied into responding. Their speech is a reflection of everything they accuse others of being.
      Practical Parsimony

    3. But you just responded anyway by writing this.....

  10. Sorry I've been out of circulation for a few days with my visitors. But I see the beat goes on...... ;-)

    1. I you post, and good for first.
