

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Quick Note

Just to say I have nothing to say. Well, maybe a thing or two.

A storm front is working its way thru our area today...windy, rain. Nice.

We await the arrival of Little Bit. She's spending the night and tomorrow with us. She said she wants to attend a 'jumpy' house place on her birthday. I shall make it happen. Our grandson, Sport Model, will arrive with her. We haven't seen him in over a month. His mother is kind of 'clingy.' The little booger will not be able to spend the least we'll be able to hold and love him for a short while.

Wasn't able to make my creole yesterday...only duck I could find was frozen...hate, using the word hate here, frozen anything. Butcher said he'd have me a fresh one soon. Asked how soon, said, maybe next week. I use a small butcher's shop, nice place. But at times I just want to wring their silly necks.

I am terribly behind in my reading. You'd think with so much time off I'd be able to catch up, but such is
not the case. My biggest problem is I just can't stay ahead of book deliveries, and with the two or three pieces I read on line (novels, short stories) and your blogs, well it's hard in between naps. So, for the next few hours I will have my Kindle in hand. Presently I'm deep into '77 Days in September,' by Ray Gorham. Not a bad read. Give it a try. Cheap as a Kindle download.

I have neglected my herb garden for far too long. My 'garden' is nothing more than a series of large clay pots...some very large. I have them located where the herbs want to be placed...if that makes sense. For instance, I'll plant my yearly basil and put the pot on the east side of my home - the basil, in its way, by not flourishing signifies it needs to be located elsewhere. I'll move it to the west side of my home where it receives additional sun, and boom, the sucker bolts to the sky. Like that...
Most of my mint and oregano have died...not all the mint, but most of it. I still have two nice pots of rosemary, both very old plants. Lots of work ahead.

Okay, gotta run. You guys have a great day, and hey, stay safe out there. Pack you gun.
