

Thursday, September 26, 2013

An Oversight

Thank the good Lord for Claritin. There are certain plants and trees, in our area, that bloom during early Fall and the resulting pollen as kicked my butt. As a result Claritin as become my daily routine, and I now realize an oversight in my emergency medical kit.

I shall correct this mistake.

Post haste.


The last two days have been very busy here at the shop. Rain this morning. Between the drip of my nose and customers I haven't had time to sit and write, or read blogs. I hope all is well with you good folks.

My friend, Duke, dropped in yesterday and spent a few hours here at the shop. We had a good visit. He left light of pocket. I'm sure he'll relay the information in his own good time.


Sweet Wife has taken the day off and is at home supervising carpet cleaners and furniture movers. I made double sure she had her little Ruger LCP attached firmly to belt before I walked out the door. I don't trust delivery and contract help.

We contacted Goodwill Industries and donated our old leather sofa. What 'da heck, a write off on my taxes beats a loss.




  1. I prefer Zyrtec, but hey... whatever works.

    But for emergencies, I always keep a bottle (several actually) of Benedryl around. It is a must for any emergency kit.

    1. I didn't even think about Zyrtec...when the current batch of meds is finished I'll give it a try. Thanks, Matt.

  2. I have felt your misery friend. I took Claritin for many years then got tired of the fuzzy days and looked into other alternatives. I finally kick allergies to the curb with local honey, bee pollen and using NeilMeds saline nasal flush. Done and over!

    1. Again, I should have thought of the honey treatments but as I needed relief, like now, I went the pill route. Thanks, Dean. Take care.

  3. Including allergy meds (of whatever kind) in a bug-out bag, first aid kit, or emergency supplies is something many never think of - until it's too late.
    Thanks for the reminder, and I hope you're getting the relief you need.

    1. You're welcome...and you are correct, I forgot completely about my allergies. Pollen kills me.

  4. I saw on the Weather Channel you were getting a lot of rain. Maybe it will blow over and you'll have a few nice days to walk on the beach.

    1. Harry, I can't remember the last time I walked on a beach. I guess since we live so near beaches, and have a river in our front yard, the stroll down the sand has lost its appeal. Thanks, my friend...oh, the sun is back out.

  5. Local Honey, harvested at this time. Table spoon a day will do the trick but you have to find a local bee keeper you trust 100% to harvest it at the specific time. It's best if he or she knows a particular frame was filled during the period you have the worst effects so they will be sure it has that specific pollen mixed in but anything harvested after you start the reaction will have some. That is if you are having a true pollen reaction and not mold or another different spore.

    You have to be careful though because it is a very common trick for those selling "Local" honey to have purchased it from somewhere else and bottled it as their own. I know of a couple of people doing it and no one believes they would. It wasn't until I started keeping my own hives and got a real feel for maximum hive output that I caught on to what they were doing myself.

    1. Very good points. I should ask the old fella about his honey. I recently read where some outfit was busted when it came to light their honey was mostly water and sugar. The honey blend was imported from China. What a racket...
      Thanks, my friend.

  6. I've reached the point where the travel med kits are better equipped than the house kit. Fall allergies get me too.

    Waiting to hear about my concealed carry permit renewal. NH charges a whopping $10. One page form. No qualifying. I'm a fan of the little LCP myself. A small gun that you have with you is better than a big gun too bulky to wear. Of course, I'm a big guy and could conceal carry a 30-06 rifle. :) Did it once as a joke.

    1. Mine too....and I keep it in my truck.

      That is cheap, ten bucks. I too am fairly large, six one and a bit over two hundred pounds. I always wear a cover shirt, or in the cold months either a jacket or Navy Peacoat I almost always carry a full sized handgun. If a good quality gunbelt and holster are used most could carry heavy weapons concealed. Thanks, Bubba.

  7. Stephen,

    Good thing you took the Claritin to help out. No one wants an allergy problem or to have it continue into a bad infection. Thanks for the reminder on adding allergy meds to the medical bag.

    Oh how I wish I lived closer to you, I would have bought your coach from you.

    1. Sandy, When I called the Goodwill store, not knowing the ropes, I asked guidance as to the worth of our couch. She told me it was whatever we thought per IRS rules. So, I said well then how does thirty-five thousand sound to you....after her giggles ceased she said, "You 'bout made me pee in my pants."

      I'd of given you the couch. It was in excellent condition.

  8. Count me in on local honey; a spoonful a day. Over the counter meds in the BOB. I buy my honey at the producer's house and watch him fill a jar. Costs me $10 a quart. He is located eight miles from me.

    1. Good advice...maybe I'll try two spoonfuls a day. My nose is raw.

  9. I buy homey from people I know. They will tell me when they have new honey. There could be problems, but not from these people.

    I rarely use any allergy medicine these days. Menopause put the worse part of allergies behind me, or it seemed so. If you get a pneumonia vaccination, any sinus infection will be less and infections with be fewer. You only need it every five years. I never took flu vaccines because I have never had the flu, but decided when I reached early sixties that maybe I should. Then, the pneumonia vaccination was suggested, and due to my age, I decided it might be a good idea. The lessening of sinus infections has been a bonus of the pneumonia vaccination. At this point I believe I only take allergy medication about 12 days each year. .

    1. See, now why didn't I think of that - menopause...if only I'd known a cure was that easy. Need to consult with my physician....get me one of those menopause shots. These yearly allergies have given me fits since my early forties. Now, at (cough) twenty-two, pollen takes me to my knees. Thanks, Lovely Lady.
