

Friday, August 30, 2013

The Truth

I normally don't post news but I want to make this as easy as possible for many to read this fine article. It'll only take a minute or so of your time. Then, call and/or write your congresscritter. I know, it's a waste of time but at least you will be able to let the suckers know, we know. Get it.

So please sally forth and read the truth about Obama's new executive order.

Thank you.



  1. And notice....notice when he did this. When everyone is worried about Syria, he pulls this crap. Its nothing new, though.

    And just think..... this is a long holiday weekend. I cringe at the data dump they'll release late this afternoon when everyone is focused on getting the weekend started. They do this every time.

  2. This is why I am a supporter of the bills like Missouri passed (vetoed by the governor but it will go through again) and other states. Congress won't stand up and say no, maybe the states will. Even if the courts eventually shut it down an entity standing up and saying no may get the ball rolling.

  3. It's crystal clear that they don't care what the laws are, or what our response may be.

  4. My opinion is not a popular one, but I've been a racist ever since my black fire chief lunged over his desk at me while I was in a seated position. Two white firemen and one black ran to my assistance and got in trouble for it. The mayor, with witnesses and lawyers on OUR side, said he could do nothing because the black chief was a black chief.

    Now, we have a black Resident/squatter/president with the same backing. His power went to his head. Our money went to his head. His ability to institute laws went to his head. But NONE OF IT WENT TO HIS BRAIN.

  5. EVERY time I write I get the standard crap reply letter or e-mail about how they will fight for our 2A. This creep has so much dirt on them that they are terrified to do anything. And everyone knows it.

  6. One more straw... Is THIS the last one??? I think it's getting damn close!

  7. Yeah, but just think about all that Mosin mahem we will be preventing! Thousands of lives will be saved! Yeah, right. (Heavy sarcasm)

  8. One more straw... Is THIS the last one??? I think it's getting damn close!

  9. When Hillary Clinton had the State Department cancel the already issued licenses for the M1 carbines and Garands in Korea, I wrote then and complained. Got the ordinary boiler plate response from my Senators and Representative but it was favorable to us. As soon as I saw the article on FOX NEWS about this new executive order I wrote the same people again. It's about all we can do.
