

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Lord, Help Us

Really? This is Obama's pick?

Story here.

Biden doesn't know the difference between a pile of dog poop and apple butter, much less firearms. Like I said, Lord help us.



  1. Makes sense to me, 0bama can never pick any one smarter than him to do anything, it would make him look inadequate.

  2. My best friend asked me what is going to happen with guns in the future. I laid out my plan like I laid it out for you recently, and he got mad and said I was crazy, that will never happen here, this is America. I told him to wake up, we are now bwcomming the USSA and he needs to take his head out of the sand. He said there is 0% chance of the government ever trying to take our guns, so I told him to do some research on Great Britton and Australia then come back and talk to me. He said he didn't have to because this is still America and things are different here. RIIIIGGGGGHT! Just keep telling yourself that.

    1. Your friend, pardon the expression, is much like a mushroom. Keep them in the dark and feed them sh*t and they're content. Sorry.

  3. Didn't we do the automatic weapon shuffle not that long ago? I had to get crappy 10 round magazines for my P-89. Of course, since the last ban went away, I upgraded.

    Remember, Biden is one of the authors of the Patriot Act.

    1. Yes he was one of the authors of the Patriot Act, need we say more. And, yes the first ban ended about ten years ago. Thanks, my friend.

  4. After Australia citizens had to give up their guns, illegal crimes USING guns rose by 69% because they had nothing to fear from a legally carrying citizen.

    I posted a ton of photos on my blog showing how ARMED and protected the president is. WHY, if there's nothing to fear?

    So, when his secret service starts carrying pepper spray as their only weapon, I'll give up my guns.

  5. Jer 17:5 (NIV) This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD."

    Prov 28:26 (NIV) He who trusts in himself is a fool...

    Just saying....

  6. Biden doesn't know the difference between a pile of dog poop and apple butter, much less firearms.

