

Monday, June 25, 2012

Bits & Pieces

Recently I had to make a quick trip to our local WallyWorld. Normally, I stay as far from the place as possible, it being a third world nation with the worst dressed humans I've ever seen. Need evidence, click here.

I rushed through the store and grabbed the item I needed and back at my truck I noticed an object on the ground next to the democrat-truck return area. I walked over and found a nice new FoodSaver. It had been taken from its box and laid there bare-butt naked.

I'm not the type to look a gift horse in the mouth. Took it home and thought, 'Its been trashed.' Much to my surprise when I connected the cord to power and hit the button she hummed and purred like new. Score one for me. By the way, the vacuum sealer pictured is an older model.


Tropical storm Debby has dumped a ton of rain. When I went to bed at 0300 this morning I feel asleep to a downpour. The high winds left a mess in my yard. I went out early this morning to find another mess of downed limbs in the yard. At least my newspaper had been double wrapped and was dry.

I'm afraid when our group next visits the Boar's Nest (our bug out location) we'll find the river flooded and I worry about our old travel trailer. The trailer is our storage unit and holds precious items easily spoiled by water. We need to move it to higher ground and place it high on pilings.


We drove through hard rain on our way home from Cedar Key. Not one put off by wet hair I stopped a couple of times to shop at road side produce stands. In one I purchased a jar of honey, some local and unique to this area Mayhaw jelly, a watermelon, and some fresh picked cantaloupes. Then Sweet Wife grabbed a few jars of pickled vegetables and fresh tomatoes. We ate well last evening.

If you've never tried Mayhaw jelly....I feel sorry for you. Whitehead Farms makes some of the finest jelly in our area. They are located in Lake Butler, Florida. For the adventurous among you call, 904-966-1602, they do not have a web site, and no I do not receive a penny from them. I just like their Mayhaw jelly.


The range of the Mayhaw bush...


Many of you have nicely asked about the condition and other news of Little Bit. Sad to say, I don't know. The last time Sweet Wife had a chance to visit and speak to her was May 22nd, for me it's been since June 7th. Since then we've received zero information as to her condition. My few minutes with her only revealed she'd lost weight. We are in the dark.


You guys have a great day. I need another cup of coffee. See you later.

Hey, be nice, and God bless.  And, Matt, thank you. You're a good man.



  1. Matt is a good man...and my friend!

    so score on the food saver - good job, dear sweet one! wow you guys are getting a lot of rain! i have never heard of mayhaw jelly or berries so it is always nice to learn new things.

    as for your darling Little Bit - oh Stephen, my heart breaks for you. are you still working with the lawyer?

    my heart aches for her as she is always in my thoughts and prayers. i am worried about her, as i am sure that you are even more so, but i try to stay positive and only send out positive vibes for her. i just keep trying to think that she is ok, she knows her Papa and Nana love her and she is smart enough and strong enough to get through this. i keep sending those thoughts to her. and i send prayers and thoughts to you and Sweet Wife that are the same. much love is being sent your way!

    your friend,

    1. kymber, dear one, about the lawyer. We hired (read laid down the cash) the lawyer for birth mother. At this point I'm not sure if bm is still interested in fighting for her rights. We just don't know as we've had little communication with bm. At thirty she's not very mature and seems more interested in the beach than her child.
      I'm afraid we've lost.

  2. After being hacked out of my blog, email, bank accounts, and having my new laptop fried, I had given up hope for the internet.

    Now, thanks to you and some new readers, I'm relearning kindness and caring from strangers. I just wanted you to know that thoughts (and much weather watching) filled our minds regarding you and your sweet wife's welfare.

    1. Thank you, dear one. We do so much appreciate your kind thoughts and prayers.

  3. Oh! I forgot what I wanted to say! The foodsaver has been part of my life for 20 years. You can take a full plate of Thanksgiving food (I use plastic plates that have separate compartments)

    FIRST, lightly freeze it, covered with saran wrap. THEN slide it into a bag and suck the air out. TWO MONTHS LATER you can thaw it, heat it, and it's as fresh and delicious as brand new.

    1. I do love a foodsaver too. We've had one for quite some time now and I use it for everything. Your tip on the meals is a good one and I shall give it a try...thanks.

  4. Talked with my dad in Fl last night. It's flooding badly in his area. He said it's now possible to canoe down the road past his place. Still has a 3 -4 feet of clearance. Will call him again tonight.

    Hope you don't lose anything. That storm just keeps on pumping water.

    Thanks to you, I've one more southern food I just have to try out.

    My heart breaks for you and Little Bit. My little one is back to her father's for 2 weeks, but then she'll be here again for 2 weeks. Cross state custody sucks.

    1. Sixbears, my friend, the waters here continue to rise. Not looking good for our BOL. It's in God's hands now. Thanks.

  5. yea I am making senior trade in the camper for a boat.. We have gone from extreme to another... I feel like our whole state has a big bulls eye on it...

    As for Little Bit...losing weight is NOT GOOD. the entire situation sucks, the only way I can think to help is just telling you and SW that we are here for you. And we just pray for the best outcome possible

    1. Get a big boat...don't fool around. Yes, the situation with Little Bit sucks and continues to deteriorate with each passing day. We'll speak when next we see each other and have some private time. Thanks, my dear. Tell Senior hello for me.

  6. I love poking around road side stands, you find many neat thinks and most is tax free.

    1. And, flea markets. The big one down in Waldo is a treasure...thanks, Bubba.

  7. thanks for the update. Sorry about the mess from Debby she has been a pain for 26 years now. Then we have the storm now too...bahahaha

    1. Rob you are so bad.... but funny! :^D

    2. Thanks, Rob...agree, Debby is a pain...gotta love her for it....

  8. If you need help....I am a phone call away.

    1. Warlock, thank you. Wish I could use your talents. About ready to hire a professional....well, you know.

  9. Stephen,

    Debby has dropped alot of rain. I'm sorry to hear that you've had to deal with yet another storm. I pray that your trailer is not touched by water.
    I have to agree with Duke, you can find great things at road side stands and some deals. Congratulations on your food saver find. I adore mine, using it for absolutely everything. Food, jewelry, coins, books, tools, medical supplies and seeds are a few ways I use my food saver. Give Sweet Wife a hug, try not to work to hard on your property.

    1. Thanks, Sandy. This is my third food saver...two for standby. I'm afraid the trailer has water in it and there's not a thing we can do at this point. The water rose swiftly....Sweet Wife will get the hug...she needs it.

  10. Sorry to hear about Little Bit. I don't know what I can do, but if there is anything I can, let me know.

    1. Bubba...I feel hopeless. As grandparents we have zero legal rights. We're at their mercy...and it kills my soul. I walked into her room (we set aside one for her in our home) last night and just stood and stared...I have a hole in my heart and now want revenge on my son's wife...seems childish of me but it's the way I feel. Can't help it.

  11. Nice find!!! Gratz!!

    Send Debbie this way. I will make her stay awhile :)

    1. Bubba, she's all yours. Thanks. Be careful for what you wish....

  12. I'm very sorry that you're being kept from Little Bit. I hope that the lawyer will have some good news for you soon. I've never understood why parents do such things to their children.
    Thanks for the introduction to Mayhaw. They grow up here too and are recommended as a low care low water plant, so I'll be scoping them out.

    1. It's out of my hands. I paid for the lawyer and it's now in the hands of God. If her birth mother has the good sense to show for the July 5th hearing....

  13. Food Savers rock. I use mine for cooked ground beef so when it's hot outside and the city is on fire (like now) I can make spaghetti without having to cook up the beef.

    It's also great for garden seeds that you have left after planting, your passport, money, etc. It's fun.

    We would gladly take some of the rain for some of our heat. See what you can work out will ya?

    1. Understand, Max, I love mine too...we should have record heat by the weekend....with humidity.

  14. Dear man, tonight I traveled light years, looking back through your blog trying to understand the situation with Baby Mom, Little Bit and Baby Daddy.

    I assume baby daddy is your son. I assume baby mom has a drug problem and hasn't seen little bit in four years......

    what I don't understand, is the legal battle with baby mom, or baby daddy?

    Where did he go? If I had a dad who loved my daughter as fearlessly as you, you'd have a permanent place by her side. I'm just confused because my brother's fight for his grandchild was against his son who had a drug problem

    Pretty cut and dried. Yours seems more complicated. I'm NOT being purposely nibby. I've been through so much myself that I want to understand the people whose blogs are part of my daily life.

    1. Birth mother is an alcoholic. Abused as a teen. I'm certain she has mental problems too. Yet, she's our only hope and not much at that, I'm afraid. Yes, Little Bit is my son - whom I no longer know...sadly. His wife is the crux of all our problems. She has him by the testicles and her squeeze is tight and painful. It's a long story. Sad, too. I hesitate to write of it even if this blog is for her.

    2. Oops, meant to say, 'Little Bit is my son's daughter.'
