

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Good Morning

Busy, busy, busy here. This is my payment for yesterday's slothful attitude. I haven't time to read, write, or even stand here and appear beautiful as much as like to try and do so.

If you've asked why the new header....the group and I will wiggle our way to the woods next weekend for steaks, a nice campfire, and of course, range time. If the river rides high, maybe we'll catch a few catfish.




  1. "Busy" is generally a good thing when it comes to business, but that weekend trip sounds really good. Besides, you've earned it. :)

    1. Yes indeed busy is good. It arrives in spurts and drizzles then fades to one or two an hour, if I'm lucky. I'm tellin 'ya, the average American family, those employed, have become very frugal, for the most part. The art of Survivalism has become mainstream.
      Sweet Wife disagrees with you on the camping trip. She said its a waste of my time and all I really want to do is sit and talk with the guys. I said, 'yep,' and tend the fire.

  2. I like your new header. Captain Crunch and I were just talking about how nice it would be to have a modest RV and do a little traveling if a person wasn't always tied down by work, or taking care of animals, or not wanting to leave his house unattended. There's a fellow who lives in his rv and just travels around. He has a blog but unfortunately he doesn't post very often.

    1. I know of one fella. The title of his blog (and don't hold me to this) is Old Fat Man's Adventures or some such. I cannot afford to laze about in an would indeed be nice, but such is life. Thanks, Harry.

  3. Busy is good cause you know your making money that way. Do you know the person who painted the pic that is now your new header?

  4. Good 'Ole Blogger will not allow me to hit the reply beneath your comment, PP...but no, I do not know the artist of the header piece. I used Bing and searched for vintage camp scenes and found it. Thanks, Bro.
