

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Good Night

It's been a long day.

Sleep well.


Good Morning

I stepped outside this morning to the scent of oak mast and salt marsh. It was windy and cool and the river held a slight chop of whitecaps. Nice change from wet and warm.

With my first cup of coffee came a knock on my shop door and there stood my small lovely friend, DFW. She was on her way to work and stopped bearing a gift of her homemade yogurt. The little jar of white and gold sweetness now sits and waits for my lunch.  Thanks, my lovely friend.


My second shipment of precious metals arrived yesterday. Four days after the shipping number indicated its arrival. I'll never again trust this particular dealer.

Truthfully I'm not sure whom to blame - the postal service or the dealer. But then I've never trusted the postal service.

So there. 


I've made a promise, to myself. I will finish my taxes. The thought of it is akin to wearing a kilt as a rider in a bronco busting contest.

My main concern is after it's all said and done, and the check is written and sent, my dollars will fund our so called government. It's theft, pure and simple.

I should just keep my mouth shut. It was recently brought to my attention by a fellow blogger I had a hit of several minutes from the Florida Supreme Court. The reader has returned on several occasions. I do appreciate their attention and hope the reader enjoyed his or her stay but the very thought of 'them' lurking about my blog is very disquieting.

Government is government is government, as Gertrude Stein would say.

