

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thanks & Welcome

To my new friends and followers, Deano, and agirlandhergun. My new friends I promise to always answer your comments. 

Deano writes, and lives in Alaska. Our new friend, agirlandhergun is a rabid second amendment supporter (a cause close to my heart) and writes her views on the subject at Please, take a moment and ride over and say hello. Ask Deano about his kitten...

Again, thanks and welcome, my new friends. You are now among friends.


Want A Good Laugh

Then sally forth and read this. A brilliant post by my good friend Flier389 at Granddad's Corner.


Thanks & Welcome

To my new friend and follower, Mama DragonWolf. I promise to always answer any comments. I'm honored you hit my little blue follower button.

Mama DragonWolf writes the blog, Chaotic Uprisings. Drop by and say hello. Please be warned it contains adult subject matter.

Again, my new friend, thank you and welcome. You are now among friends.


Good Morning

It's a cool and beautiful morning and here I am stuck inside.

Before I forget my best bud, Duke, has written a fine piece on firearms training. Please, click and read. It's a fine article.

I've a busy day ahead of me. My day nurse arrives in a couple of hours then its off to the infectious disease doctors office where he'll slice away a few pieces of my body. Should be fun....and limit my range of motion for the rest of the day. My patience runs thin.

Did you guys see where a brave seven year old girl kicked and fought a man as he attempted to abduct her in a Walmart....good for her. I sincerely wish I had been on site when this took place. This world is full of sick individuals, animals; the gene pool needs a reset button which is located under my trigger finger.

I need a second cup of coffee.

I'll try and write a clear headed post later today...
