

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Just a Short Note

To let you nice and wonderful folks know I'll try and get back at you tomorrow. It's been a long hard day. Most of it spent at my desk writing checks with paperwork scattered around its surface. All that in between dealing with the customers.

My day is made even more difficult when certain guys insist in idle chit-chat, they darn near talk me to death. I'll stand there swaying foot to foot, my dance of escape, in a vain effort to escape and continue my work...and still they stand and chat. Bless 'em though, I do need their business. I'm awful at idle chit-chat.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to say thank you. Thank you all for the kind and generous comments left on my piece, 'Just An Old Pair of Boots.' You humble me.

Think I'll pass out now, and pray for a peaceful nights sleep.

God bless you each and everyone.
