

Friday, August 9, 2013


She agreed to take a day off and spend it with me. My wife, I left the girlfriend behind....

Anyway, yesterday I had an appointment with a government agency. I had planned to enter the agency's building and spend hours on my rear seated in a hard plastic chair with my Kindle and the morning paper. Turns out the ordeal only lasted two hours. I escaped with few scratches and a future appointment.

On our exit of the building I asked if she'd like to join me at Gander Mountain. Her, "Why on earth would I agree to such awful punishment?"

"Cause you love me and I'll buy you lunch."

I stood at the door of our car and slowly replaced my spare magazines and handgun to my belt, knives back into position. (The agency insisted I undress and pass thru their metal detectors.) When my belt was again in adjustment and felt normal I bent to see her reaction. Her, "Okay, but you owe me. I want a new pair of jeans."

They, the women in our lives, always have a price.


My friend, Harry, mentioned on his blog that he was fond of Recoil magazine and I wanted to find a copy. I did indeed locate the magazine at Gander, and a few more. Had fun.

So here's my day in pictures. Note the prices on the ammunition. Supply seems to have adjusted though the prices are still high.

As always please excuse my very blurry pictures. At one point as I strolled along the ammo supply I picked up a follower. One of the store salesmen. He asked, "Why are you taking pictures of our inventory?"

I turned towards him and replied, "My agency wants to price compare. We're on a budget."

"Oh, okay."

Harry, here's one you failed to mention. I didn't buy a copy as most were nine dollars each.

Above in this awful picture - row upon row of 5.56. Price is per twenty.

Above - huge box of .40 caliber.

Above - it'll be a while before I purchase and shoot .44 magnum. That's a buck a pop.

See those white boxes above - that, my friends, is our old friend .45 shooty stuff...see the price. Lord help us. I can remember when you paid eight dollars per.

That's hard to read but it's nine mil, three hundred and fifty rounds for a hundred and twenty bucks, minus one cent. I'll wait.

Above - my loot spread on our kitchen tile. See the copy of American Frontiersman...good. Not a bad read. The Tannerite, well, you never know when a few pounds might come in handy, and besides, I recently read the government wants to outlaw the stuff. That in itself is enough to make me want a few pounds, and it sure makes a day at the range fun.

Hey, I need another cup of coffee. You guys have a great day.




  1. Sounds like a good day, in spite of the Agency's best (worst) intentions.

    Ammo prices are not that high, here, but the supplies are harder to find.

    1. Rev., it's not so much them as it is me, if that makes sense. I want, they try to not allow. They will, it just takes time. Thanks, my friend. BTW, it was a great day though she didn't get her jeans.

  2. OMG. I wish I'd never come here and saw those prices. Yes. Everyone kept saying "BUY AMMO!" But my level headed husband kept saying "We have enough!" Count "enough" as being one box per weapon, and an additional box per weapon for target practice.

    Now, I can't afford the gas to get to the store to not be able to afford the ammo.

    1. Hey, pretty lady, sorry 'bout that. Stuff is high. Have a great day, and thanks.

  3. This is why I reload 45 and 44 mag, the cost is about 15 cents each, with cast bullets.

    1. Yes indeed...but then again you've always been, as Gump said, a smart man.

    2. he SO is...which is why i take his advice so seriously! all hail to The Duke!

      (holy crap - i just realized that he is The Duke! even chuck norris bows to him!!!!)

      u no hoo

    3. Sweetheart, compared to my buddy, Duke, Chuck Norris is a pussy....

    4. bahahahahah! oh that was a good one, buddy!

  4. My flavor of choice, .44 Special, is still hard to find. Fortunately, I know a reloader who takes my brass and does his magic at about twenty cents a round. Win/win for both of us.

    1. It's one of my favorite calibers too, my friend. I like its soft recoil when I sling it through my Raging Bull. But, at this way.

  5. I saw the American Frontiersman too and thought about picking it up but it was $10 about. I looked to see how much a subscription is but I can't find out much about this magazine. The guys down the hill in the valley use tannerite- it sounds like a war zone sometimes! LOL

    1. I only purchased it out of novelty..even then its price turned me off. I understand the magazine is new....tannerite is indeed loud, which is fun when the bullseye is hit by unsuspecting shooters. Thanks for dropping in and please don't be a stranger. I like your blog time you visit, yell, and I'll sit out a chair and bring you a cup of fresh coffee. Thanks, my lovely new friend.

  6. Would I love to plunder through that place! I've never even seen some of those magazines and had no idea they existed. I saw a couple I am going to run down on the net and see if I can get a copy.

    American Frontiersman is on sale at our grocery store. I almost bought it, but it was ten bucks, as Kathy said, and a lot of it was oriented towards very primitive living which I hope I never have to do.

    Those ammo prices are stiff. The same Winchester .45 is selling for $23.90 at Walmart, the problem is they never have it so I don't know how utilitarian the price is. I did get three boxes of it at Walmart recently through a fluke, though.

    That was a good post. I have to go back over it and look at the pictures again with a pad and pencil to hand.

    1. On the magazine, I agree, although the chapter on cattails was interesting. That was a small portion of the magazine rack I snapped...I could not take a picture of its total twenty foot length of books, journals, and magazines. Next time you visit this area, ring me (my number hasn't changed) and I take you out for a visit. Thanks for the compliment...not much of a post really. Thanks, my good friend.

  7. Things are the same at our local GM. Still, it is the first time I have seen bulk ammo of any caliber since last October. Hopefully the prices will trend down in the near future.

    1. I sure hope the prices stabilize too. The current price is silly. Then again, in ten years or so, we'll probably look back and think, 'Why didn't we buy then.'

  8. Glad you had a good day (of course any day at Gander is a good day)! looked on the publishers web site - That magazine is only printed annually for now. $10.00 is steep. Maybe your local library will have a copy. Like your new header, by the way!
