

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


No excuses here, just fact. I just can't seem to stay on track long enough to write.  Please bear with me. I still have trouble focusing; I'm skittish, jumpy, and lose track of time.

I'll be so happy when I'm finally off this mess.



  1. Replies
    1. I try, John, I really do try. I'll be fine. Thanks.

  2. Take all the time you need. Get well. Thanks for the head's up. I'm sure you are looking forward to looking back on this.

    1. That is fact, my good friend. Clear as a bell for a day, then fog. The doctor has me at one day off, one on...thanks, Bubba.

  3. This too shall pass, just hang in there.

  4. No worries, Stephen; we're still here.

  5. I will add my "hang in there, my friend" to the others. It does take time to get back to normal, which is too bad. But we are still here rooting for you.
    God be with you as you go thru this.

    1. Thank you so very much for the kind prayers...sweet lady.

  6. every single hour, every single day your body is cleaner than the hour/day before. It takes time. Give yourself the time. When I did this on my own 10 years ago, I thought of it as a job I have to do, and do well. For you, just think of it as cleaning your guns, all of your guns, one at a time, each piece of the gun. All with the goal of getting to go out and see how much better they work after such a good cleaning. As for us, we will enjoy watching/listening to cleaner guns being shot at the range.

    1. Thanks, my friend. But couldn't we just take a hose and brush and wash it away and be done with it.....

  7. dear sweet one - you take as much time as you need and you get yourself better. spend time doing things that you enjoy - like working on your stoves, cooking, reading. this will take time but you will be back to your old self soon and we will all have been cheering you on through this ordeal. and when you are ready to post, we'll all be here. much love to you and yours, dearest!

    your friend,

    1. It's not that I want to take time lovely friend, I just can't seem to hold a clear thought. Then, I'm fine....then back to fog...God help me I hate living like a mushroom. Thanks, Sweetheart, and tell Jamie hello for me.

    2. It may not seem like it now, but I'll bet the clear moments are getting longer and more frequent. It will seem more and more annoying, though, as you become more and more aware of the moments when you are fogged, and they go from being life all the time to intrusions on your day.

      You're getting there! It's just like recovering from badly spraining an ankle - no matter how ready you are to be healed, your body's going to heal itself at the pace that it will. Being laid up on the couch muzzy-headed with pain is easier, in many ways, than the days you're almost but not quite able to tackle the full flight of stairs, and the day where you find you're only good for 100 feet short of being able to complete a simple grocery run. So, too, with the moments becoming hours and finally days where you can almost get through being clear-headed and fine.

      It's like hospital food - being able to notice the awfulness is a great sign that you're healing and getting over whatever landed you in the hospital in the first place. May God grant you the patience to get through this with grace; I was never particularly good at patience, myself. (As my poor Calmer Half can attest.)

  8. Hang in there buddy. Your tough things will get better and you will over come.

    1. I must quit this, this 'feeling sorry for myself' stuff....

      How are you, PP? Are you well? I need to do some serious blog reading...thanks, my friend.

  9. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)October 10, 2012 at 8:12 PM

    Sending a big hug, Stephen. We'll all be here for you when you are ready.

    1. And I accept with a humility. Take care, dear Phyllis. You have all my love.

  10. Standing by, awaiting orders....please take care. Mental and physical health are important.

  11. Continuing to keep you in my prayers {{{{Stephen}}}}

    1. Dearest Shar, how nice to 'see' you again. I truly hope you are well and in good spirits. I'll be fine, in time. Welcome back, thank you, Dearest One.
