

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cool Business

Our weather has finally turned cool. Forty four degrees this morning and I love it. We experienced fairly high winds yesterday with the result of lost power - at least where I live.

So, I cooked dinner by lamp light.

Not the best picture in the world and I know it's hard to see the lamp due to the glare. The lamp is old, kerosene, and I've owned it for at least forty years. I think I own at least ten more of the old girls...wick lamps come in awful handy when the weather turns foul.

It pays to limit your dependence upon electrical power.

Business is good which limits my time on-line. Hopefully I'll find a few moments later this afternoon to write and post, but please understand when one is self-employed and the opportunity presents itself one must stuff as many dollars in the mattress as possible...after all, I've democritters to support.

Until then, please, take care out there.



  1. I'm glad to see you only lost power. Don't you love having the ability to cook and have light without electricity. There is nothing better than being prepared :-)
    Don't work to hard today!!!

    1. Yes indeed, it is nice to have gas and kerosene and Coleman backups in case of emergencies...thanks, Dear Sandy.

  2. Love oil lamps. Soft yellow light, good enough to read by.

    1. Just think how many generations of Americans used oil lamps their entire lives. We're spoiled, and yet, have lost so much and many of the good old things in life. Thanks, my friend.

  3. Oil lamps are wonderful things. I hope the loss of power is the worst thing that happens for you, and all those you love.

    1. Oh, we're fine, no big deal..other than a little wind and nice cool weather. Thanks, my friend.

  4. You had a cooler morning than I did (60 in northern NH), and lost power longer. Go figure. At least you have all those nice lamps and stoves.

    1. Yep, we're lucky. It is nice to have the lamps. Thanks, my friend.

  5. You do the same sir, and be careful! Have some lamps too, and they were hot standby if needed last night!

  6. Temps in the 70's this week here. I think that we will probably pay for it soon! Take care, my friend.

    1. I bet we have temps in the low to mid eighties by Christmas...hate it. Thanks, John.

  7. Nice idea, cooking by lamp light. Take care and glad to see you're doing well. : )

  8. Glad Sandy was good for something. She spun some cooler weather down to you.

  9. Part of the problem is you need to stop supporting the democritters. Let em find their own bananas.
