

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Decisions, decisions

I'm expected to attend a local, and large, gun show today. Problem is, I'm also expected to stick around the house and wait for my son to bring over the grandchildren for a long afternoon visit.

If I indeed attend the gun show I'll miss my chance to say goodbye to Little Bit. She'll be gone all week, her Spring break. She is to spend the week with my son's aunt and the aunt's two little girls, Little Bit's cousins. Decisions, decisions.

The clock ticks, and I wait and think. Should I give in and take a chance on the gun show holding my attention thereby forcing a showdown with my grandchild, sure to end in tears, or should I just blow off the gun show entirely.

Think I'll stay home. If I were to miss one hug or kiss, with full knowledge I'll not see her lovely little face for a week, would kill my soul.

Life is but a series of good and bad decisions. I trust I've made a good one.

Besides, she'd kick my butt.



  1. The Gun Shows will be the same (hopefully) when you go back.

    I think you made the right decision :)

    1. PISSED, this is my second attempt to leave an answer to your kind comment. Not sure what's happened here..anyhow, you're so very correct..gun shows are a nickel a dozen, grandchildren are here on briefly. Thank you.

  2. You are wise and make the right choices most times. but not when you get hurt and don't seek medical atten...sorry had too.

  3. Never miss a chance to hug and kiss someone and tell them you love them. The last normal conversation I had with my son before his injury, I was extremely busy, flustered and I hurried him off of the phone. I will regret it forever.

    1. Good advice, and I've taken it...thank you, Dear Lady.

  4. Wait till she gets there and take her to the show with you.

    1. Nah, they were on a limited window of time and I didn't want her to miss on as she said, "Fun time with other little girls." It was a nice send off. I'll miss her. Thanks, my friend.

  5. dear one, i think you made the right decision! my goodness she has some cute outfits with matching hair accessories. i can't help but always notice...but then - i am a girl!!!

    your friend,

    1. Ah, you girls and your clothes...thanks, Sweet kymber.

  6. Stephen,
    There will always be gun shows. Beside you probably own or know of every thing under the sun related to guns. But our little ones will not always be little, nor will they always be around. I am hanging on tightly today to mine. Sebastian died Friday afternoon at almost 30 weeks. My daughter delivered him, without pain meds, while on pitocin to speed up the sad event, Saturday morning at 3:11 am after almost 12 hours of active hard labor. Two stillbirths and 13 miscarriages, my heart aches for my daughter and her husband. My arms ache for the curve of a sweet little body to rock, hold, and caress. Perhaps the most devistating moment of all was when four year old Natalie was told. She burst into tears, crying, begging that she did not want Sebastian to go to Heaven, she wanted to hold him and kiss him.Her cries continue to devistate all of us. I will be eternally grateful for all the prayers that went up to Heaven for his little life. He has impacted so many despite his very short life. Stay with the babies.Today, every day possible. Nothing else is more important.
    Beth - Mammaw B

    1. Dear Beth, I'm truly assured, little Sebastian is now in the arms of our Lord. May God bless you.

  7. oh Mammaw - i am so sorry to hear this. i am sorry for you, Sebastian's mother and father, your family and especially for little Natalie. perhaps our prayers helped him make it to 30 weeks. perhaps Our Lord wanted him sooner but heard our prayers. you all will stay in our prayers. my deepest condolences to you all.

    your friend,

  8. Many of the things I did with my children were a concious decision to make memories. I do the same with my grandchildren. I have great memories of my parents and siblings both grandmothers, aunts and uncles and cousins from when I was a child. As an adult I can consiously choose to do this but a child rarely can or will. It is one of the responsibilities we have, something we owe the younger generation. These things can help guide them (I would never dare do something wrong my grandmother would disapprove), help them learn to be better people because they try to live up to what they have seen adults do. Often children become doctors, nurses, teachers, etc. not because it was their dream but because of something an adult did or showed them or exposed them to. And that along with support and a good moral compass makes all the difference in the world.

    1. Anon, thank you very much for the nice comment. I agree, as we to do everything possible to give Little Bit fond memories of her life. It's the very reason I take the hour and half each morning to drive her to school, after a hot breakfast. God bless.

  9. Yes, of course it's the right decision. I would give up many things for a big hug from mine.

    1. Which means you're a fine man...thanks, my friend.
