

Saturday, November 5, 2011

First Fire

It's been cool with gusty winds all day. Sweet Wife requested I build our first fire of the year. As I'm probably the finest (chuckle) husband in the history of time I said, "Yes Dear."

Step by step...first, take match. I keep my 'strike anywhere' matches inside an old flatiron...

Then, strike match....simple, huh.

I do wish my Dingleberry cell phone's camera had a flash.

I know to those of you up in the arctic this seems silly, but remember, I live in the sub-tropics. When the temps dip below sixty we get downright cold...and besides, it makes the house smell great. Now, it's time for me to make char clothe...but, that's for a future post.



  1. It hasn't been really cold yet up here, only a few mornings of frost but I have already fired up the woodstove a few times. There is nothing quite as warm as wood heat.

  2. So you weren't just lighting up to burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes?

  3. PioneerPreppy, very true. We had temps in the 40's here lately. Nice. Thanks.

    Odysseus, nope, but I do own a Guy Fawkes mask...

  4. Oh I so miss a woodburning fireplace. We have those stupid gas logs that just aren't worth using. Our next house will either have a woodburning fireplace or we'll put one in. The whole time we've been at our current house, converting the fireplace to woodburning has been on the to do just never made it to the top. Soon our house will sell and we'll buy our dream home...hopefully.

  5. 40's would be nice some mornings. We were below 20 degress a couple of mornings. I'm ready for spring.

  6. That old flatiron is pretty neat. I never knew the tops came off them. What would they put inside it to keep the iron hot?
    We had 50* and blowing rain on Friday. Beautiful and sunny today, but we're supposed to get hit again tonight and Sunday.
    48* tonight...pretty 'cool" for SoCal.

  7. Mermaid, a fire is indeed nice and I'm sure one day soon you'll have another wood fire to enjoy. We actually have two working fireplaces but seldom use the one in our living room, maybe Christmas I'll build a fire in there. Thanks and welcome back.

    John, that's nice weather...Spring can stay away from here. When warm weather arrives in Florida, it stays for a long time...we like it cold.

    drjim, in the old days ladies would either use coal or embers from their wood stove. Slave labor, so said my grandmother...for one to use a flat iron to press clothing. It hinges from the rear with a flat-iron slide on the front to latch it closed. Keeps my grandchildren from playing with the matches. Thanks, oh, windy with rain and in the low fifties here now.

  8. Rose, now this is strange but I did receive an email where you made a comment on this post, yet I don't see it here...freaking blogger...anyway, good for you on the pellet stove and we too have a hard time getting ready for winter, as we only get three days of winter a year here....

  9. NOTHING like an open fire - i am envious. we have lotsa wood here, but nowhere practical to burn it yet, maybe another year.

    LOVE where you keep the matches!

