Sunday, July 21, 2013

Ah, October

One of the few television programs I enjoy.



  1. ??? I got a blank in the center of the post

  2. Only watched a couple episodes, but looks like I have to catch up.

    1. I too missed most of season three...oh well, it'll be fun to play catch up...thanks, Bro.

  3. I watch the show of course but honestly I get so frustrated by the stupidity I want to scream sometimes. After they took their only medical guy with them to clear out those cell blocks I almost stopped watching.

    But here's the part I don't understand and it isn't rocket science either. Why are they not wearing armor? Even light armor would be enough to stop 90% of the incidental bites that have claimed so many characters to date. It wouldn't even need to be plate either heavy cloth would be enough to give them time to get out of a bad mobbing type situation.

    1. Me too. So many times I've caught myself yelling, "Hey, Stupid, grab the firearm...the why'd you do that."

  4. Great minds think alike! Really enjoy this show, and can hardly wait until October to watch. I have to say, I was a bit grossed out at first, but the draw of the story keeps me watching.

  5. Both my brothers have recommended this show to me. I need to sit down and watch an episode.

    1. The new seasons begins on Oct 13th.

      Usually in the days before a new season starts, they will run the entire series from episode 1 all the way to current. Of course now, you are looking at quite an investment of time as they have done 3 seasons already.

    2. If it catches my fancy I'll buy the DVD's. I have all the Miami Vice shows, both seasons of Jericho, etc. If I like something I enjoy watching it without commercials.

    3. Like you, Harry, I tend to buy the sets. Thanks, both of you.

  6. Hey, Woody, tell 'em if they need help with their firearms instruction I'll be glad to drive up and help 'em out....thanks.

  7. My main problem is that by this point the gas they are using would be breaking down or just ruined from moisture. They would need to switch to diesel trucks or make bio diesel. Also I think the show needs a dog or a zombie detecting cat.
