Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Kiss

Early this morning I was just seconds from departure when, for some odd reason, I turned and walked back to the kitchen dining room. I bent and gave the mother-in-law a kiss. I stood and gave her smile as she remained speechless. 

I then turned and gathered my satchel and bag of lunch, gathered my keys and returned to the front door when I heard her say, "Well, thank you, Dear."

You must keep them on their toes, off guard.

Besides, I'm in a good mood.



  1. Stephen,

    That was very nice of you. Yes, keep them on their toes, lol. Have a great day!

  2. That made me smile. Good job! :)

  3. That was a good gesture. Have a good day!

  4. Great now she smells weakness and you are doomed.

    1. Yeap, like I said, moment of weakness. Thanks, PP.

  5. From a very rocky start, I've developed a pretty good relationship with my MIL over the years. She's generally feared by everyone in the family (with the exception of me), and Mrs. Paladin is convinced that she likes me better than anyone else in the family now (with the exception of Bailey).

    That being said, I don't think either of us is ready for a good-bye kiss.... the temptation for either of us to flinch and go for a weapon would be too great :)

    I bow to your bravery, Sir.

    1. I've tried for over thirty years to be her friend....I've about thrown in the towel. Thanks, my friend.

  6. Sounds like she has a wonderful son-n-law. Don't try to be friends. Just respect has the wonderful woman she is for giving you her daughter, thats all. You are a very sweet person. I'm sure she feels that.

    1. Just respect her as the wonderful woman she is for giving you her daughter.
