Friday, November 16, 2012

It's Cool and Damp

Today, and I like it.

It appears my muse has slipped away, taken a vacation, skipped town. I write best at home. There I have a laptop which gives me comfort when I slip back into my old chair.

The chair, a recliner, is of ancient mahogany constructed around the turn of the last century and its arms have been worn smooth and give the texture of silk and its cushions form perfectly to my body and I like that old chair. So there.

Anyway, here, as I was about to say, it's tough to write. There's the darn doorbell, the tick of several clocks, like little time-bombs which bounce from eardrum to eardrum, and the almost constant traffic noise. I mute the television. It's locked on Bloomberg. The scroll at the bottom keeps me informed of the movements of gold and silver and any likely attempts made against our country....but, it draws my attention and strangles my feeble attempts to compose.

So here I sit, blank. I wish for my old mahogany chair and the silly little laptop and the silence of home just so I can write this piece I've had hidden in the back of my mind for months. I know, for sure, if I make any attempt to slip it from my fingers to this keyboard the bell of this shop will, ding.

Then, it'll be lost.

I do not sit and write long hand notes, nor drafts. When I write it's a one time deal. I write in one long, albeit jerky, session. Its now or never for me.

Notes, little post, aren't so bad. A customer walks in, I stand, and return several minutes or hours later and, ping, back to the subject like nothing just happened. Doesn't work for longer word painted pieces.

If that last made sense to you let me know.

My pretty friend, DFW, came by for a visit recently and we discussed this subject. I believe she understands too but I'm not least she enjoyed my coffee and that's something, anyway.

There, I've written a post.



  1. Coffee with friends always counts for something to my way of thinking...even if a post doesn't make it to the screen.

    1. Then we agree, Matt...thank you my good friend.

  2. Trust me, my friend, I understand. I also must be at peace, in quiet surroundings, giving the post my full attention. I wish my interrupted, lack-of-concentration attempts came out as well as yours just did.

    1. Tell 'ya the truth, my friend, many of my attempts, after I've hit the old publish button, have almost be deleted...never happy with my work. But thank you for the kind compliment. You write very well. Never underestimate your skills. Thank you, my friend.

  3. Yes my friend, I do understand. And, the coffee was wonderful as well as the fellowship (as we say in the south).

    1. Ah, come on, my coffee is awful...I bet I gave you a cup from the pot with the added fresh grounds and day old eggshells...yeah, that's it...

      Thanks, my sweet friend.

  4. Too many years in the Navy, I think I could write on the flight deck in the middle of flight ops... Too bad I can't write worth a damn :-)

    1. I understand. I just need silence, or at least a bit of peace. Thanks, my friend.

    2. If we could maintain concentration for just THREE minutes, we could rule the wor... er... where was I??? :-)

  5. Focused moments are short for everyone these days... and I think we're worse for it. Not idle time necessarily, mind you, but time when there aren't 14 different bells, whistles, or other distrations competing for our attention.

    Some of my best thinkin' was done bouncing along in the seat of a tractor, or cutting flagstone for a masonry job, or nailing shingles on a roof.... no one yaking in my ear and no cell phone :)

    1. Very well said...I do my best thinking when I cut grass or fumble around the at work, nada. Thanks, my good friend.

  6. Gather your thoughts a little at a time and collect them as a word document that you can change any old time. when you have it as you want it copy and past it to your blog. Take your time, relax and the thoughts will come.

    1. Believe it or not once upon a time I did as you've described and can't imagine why I quit the practice. Thanks, Dean, I'll get back at it.

  7. That's what a writer does, Stephen ... paints a story using words. And you are a good artist.

    Phyllis (N/W Jersey)

    1. (all red-faced he replies) thanks, darling lady.
