Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Grey; A Survival Movie

Will be released January 27th. I just might break my streak and watch this on the big screen.

For a sample, click here. When you arrive, give it a second to load.



  1. I love any movie with Liam Neeson! We will have to break down and go see this one too!

  2. Looks pretty interesting, I like the movie 'Taken' which he was in.

  3. oh can't wait for this one Stephen...thanks for pointing it out!

    your friend,

  4. Mamma Bear, My Sweet Wife has a crush on him too. You'll enjoy the movie. Thanks.

    Duke, I liked 'Taken' too. This should be good one. Thanks, Bubba.

    kymber, you are more than welcome, Sweet Lady.

  5. Now wait a minute, If Kymber thinks it's going to be good.........I hope it's not a chick flick.

  6. Duke, 'ole buddy of mine, if it had appeared to be a chick flick I would not have posted the sucker...thanks.

  7. Duke, it may have smurf's
    Stephen, It is on our "to-do" list. Once things settle a bit.

  8. Flier389, I understand. It will take me a while to catch it too, if at all. I might just wait for the DVD...we'll see. Thank you my friend, and again, my condolences on the passing of your father. Thank you for the comment.

  9. yo' Duke buddy - me and Stephen got a deal in trying to hoodwink you into watching a chick flick. he bet $20 that we could hoodwink you...i bet $20 that we couldn't!

    oh and from all of the reviews that i have read - it DOES include smurfs!

  10. Kymber, I hate to disappoint you but I have watched a few chick flicks in my time (always with my wife) I'm smart enough to know what side my bread is buttered on.
