As many of you know I'm very new to the world of blogging. Standing Outside, Looking In is less than three months old. I'm so very raw at this, my soul bleeds.
A few years ago my friend Arsenius the Hermit sent an email and suggested I write a blog. I laughed. He's a fine man, and wise beyond his years, a whipper snapper with a keen intelligence. I can say this about him because he is a personal friend and I'm about a year older. He was and is my inspiration. He lives a life I envy, on his own terms, independent with his library of books, a good pipe and a cup of coffee. I admire the hell out of him. But, there are others that have lead the way, plowed the ground so to speak, for my blog.
Tamara, sweet gun-toting, bike riding, expert of all things Smith & Wesson, Tam. Queen of the snark. I love her....(please, don't tell my Sweet Wife) because Tam makes me laugh, and think. If I had a daughter I'd want her to be just like Tamara, wordsmith extraordinaire. To describe Tam as intelligent would be like saying the sun is does one measure such a wit. She too paved the way and I owe her thanks beyond measure.
Then we have Brigid doesn't know me from a pile of beans. Yet, I've followed her beautiful prose for many years. Like Arsenius and Tamara she is one of the intelligentsia. Again, with the independent spirit (notice any similarities here) and a very versatile lady. She's a private pilot, a scientist, and best of all, she shoots. Her photography is beyond excellent. This beautiful redhaired lady is talent, grace, and beauty personified.
Now to Patrice and Don, of Rural Revolution. Patrice posted a snippet of the first article I wrote for this blog. The article was written in anger when I noticed a very young girl forgotten by her parents across the street from my shop. Patrice and Don linked this bit of anger, and turned me into a reluctant guardian my complete surprise. I have a thing about children; you hurt them in front of me and I shall hurt you - I will open a can of whoop-ass on your soul. Sweet Wife tells me it isn't my war. Sorry.
When Patrice and Don posted my article, they gave me a boost that would have taken me years to achieve if left on my own. I'll never be able to repay them. Don is a man I admire; he has talent beyond measure, and is the kind of man my dear departed mother referred to as salt of the earth. He's also a fine craftsman; his handmade wooden tankards are works of art.
Patrice recently published her first book. I ordered a copy and Sweet Wife stole it. If you haven't read it, please do, the lady soothes the soul with her words. Her book, The Simplicity Primer, is listed on my sidebar.
Then there is James Wesley, Rawles of Survivalblog fame. Another blog I've read for years. James wrote the book, both in the form of a blog which set the standard of instruction to millions but also the novel, 'Patriots.' I owe him too. He's mentioned this blog twice at Survivalblog. I spent hours writing replies to all the comments afterwards, with a smile on my face. He and I have much in common - we both did the same job in the military. I understand him. He's a good man. What else can I say, he rules.
Before I begin receiving emails or text or comments, let it be known I'm writing this out of pure gratitude. I have asked nothing in return. It's nothing more than a heart felt thank you to each. These fine men and women have lead the way for many of us. They have all made me smile, laugh, and most importantly, think. Many of you, I'm sure, have read their works, and if you are half as smart as I know many of you are, they have influenced your efforts too.
I lack the talent, at the moment, to hot link names, words, or even the odd squirrel, if so, you'd see little blue spots above. So, I will post links beneath. Do yourself a favor, if you've been living on the far side of some long forgotten blue moon, and you haven't as yet read these wonderful blogs, please do.
Patrice and Don -
Brigid -, gotta love any blog with both Mauser and muffin in the title.
Sweet Tamara -
My friend, Arsenius the Hermit -
James Wesley, Rawles of -
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Thank You and Welcome
This morning I noticed five more followers on my blog thanks to Mr. Rawles. To Uebricc, Kenlowder, Izzy2184, bryanofwales, and That Guy; thank you and welcome to my new blog. The 10th of September will be this blog's three month birthday.
As always when I welcome and thank new followers, I promise to answer all comments individually as soon as is humanly possible. Within hours if time allows, but in rare cases days, if I'm away on vacation. So please check back, never know what silly or witty response I left to your kind comments.
Again, thank you.
As always when I welcome and thank new followers, I promise to answer all comments individually as soon as is humanly possible. Within hours if time allows, but in rare cases days, if I'm away on vacation. So please check back, never know what silly or witty response I left to your kind comments.
Again, thank you.
Posting from my Blackberry. My computer is updating a service pack and is taking all morning. I will visit and reply and comment asap.
Watermelon Destruction
This 'ole boy is a him blast watermelons with his SKS. Modern Day Redneck, pay attention.